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I wasn't quite sure how to start this post.
It seems like this year is the subject of friendship keeps coming up.
I've been learning so many things, and it's interesting, the most important things I've learnt are things that I've learnt in church, and yet have been told by non-Christians.
I won't go into details. If you want the stories behind these lessons you can ask me, cuz they're pretty cool. But if you're going to listen to anything I say in these blogs, take these two peices of advice into consideration.
Monday night at the Embassy the topic of Friendship came up again and reinforced my idea of what a real friend is:

1) Someone who understands. You don't call? It's okay, You're busy, I'll work around that. You screwed up, I'll forgive you. You're tired and irritable? It's okay, we've all been there. It's not about trying to constantly figure someone out, but about understanding where they come from (even if you really don't) and being there for them.

2) Someone who loves. Phileo love. You choose to love your friends regardless of who they are, or who they have been. When they screw up, you forgive them. When they forget things, you remind them. When they fail, you help them do better. You conscously choose to let them little things becasue, in the bigger scheme of things, your friendship is more important.

At the Embassy Dom said that these days few people appreciate real friendship becasue few experience. I guess I'm lucky to be someone who has.
But he also said that friendship isn't about what you can get out of a relationship. It's about giving something. You aren't friends with someone because they can do something for you. You're friends with them becasue you want to do something for them. Friendship is a gift, but it's not one that you should expect to get, only one that you unconditionally should expect yourself to give. That's why it's one of the four loves. It's not about you. It's about your friends. Be friends with them for them, because you love them and want the best for them, be real.
