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Real (In)Security: The Beginning of Change (A Late Introduction)

A few weeks ago I decided that I can’t watch the news any more. I don’t mean that I won’t. I mean I can’t. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, I just cannot do it. I get an ugly feeling in my bones when I do. There is too much suffering, and too many days go by when I wonder how we got so lost.

(Photo Via Nicki Varkevisser)
The world is full of stories of those who seemed to have lost touch with the things that make them human. Every day we are bombarded with stories of how we have hurt one another. I would like to say that these stories don’t shock me. History has told me that these things happen, a Holy Book even tells me why, but still I am shocked and saddened by these things. During my short 26 years I have also experienced a world of goodness, and so I am puzzled at the paradox of a world that is at the same time both beautiful and ugly; lovely and hateful; peaceful and yet full of chaos and war.

I crave a world that is full of goodness and grace, and though I am not the Saviour, I am His child and He has created me to be salt and light in this world; to be a preserver and an illuminator.

I often struggle with what this looks like on the ground. I wonder how I am supposed to do this because I am stumbling along in life just like the rest of us, unsure of what my role is in the chaos and noise.

All I know is that there are many moments when I know that we were made for more. We’re better than this, aren't we? We’re better than the bickering and bitterness, the mistreating and competing and taking advantage of each other. We’re definitely better than all the violence and rage. And I know this because I have seen glimpses of a better world; I have seen people who breathe life into the hearts of others instead of sucking it out like a vacuum. I have felt joy so pure that I wish it would last forever.

I once read that feeling that way – feeling so good you don’t want it to end – is an indication that maybe it wasn't supposed to end. We were made to live in eternal bliss with God.

But things got broken.

And it was us who broke them.

And I have asked God over and over why this is so. Why does life have to be this way?
Lord! I cry out with my whole heart, why do we hurt? And why do we hurt each other?

Because though I don’t believe that suffering, evil, and pain can cease to exist (at least not right now), I do believe that as God’s image bearers we have it within us to love one another as God loves us.
But the reality is that on the grand scale, we don’t.

Granted, there are some groups of people  that are fighting to live in real community with one another. They are inspiring. But the world is still overrun with pain inflicted on one human being by the hand of another. We still live in a world where evil seems to be winning (and I use the word seem here because I also believe that evil is not, in fact, winning - at least not on the grand scale and later we’ll talk about why).

I have wrestled with this question of suffering my whole life. I have read mountains of books and articles and tried to find some sort of reconcilable “theology of suffering” that makes sense to my empathetic brain. I have asked the question of why too many times. Why are we like this? And more importantly, is there hope for us? Is there hope for change?

I believe that there is. And most people who know me know that I believe that hope to be found in Jesus Christ. But please don’t write me off as another religious type just yet. I am not writing to try and persuade you to convert to Christianity, but rather I write to encourage you to consider three universal human values, and then to consider how practicing each of these values – values which were perfectly modelled to us by Jesus – might change you and thereby change the world.

In this series we’ll be talking about these three values which I believe are essential to our happiness and fulfilment as human beings. I like to call them the Fierce 3:
  •          Courage
  •     Confidence
  •     Community

These may seem like weird values to choose, but trust me, they are crucial to our ability to thrive as healthy, loving, and peaceful human beings. These things mark the beginning of change.

As your read you will most certainly be challenged, agree, disagree, and have revolutionary thoughts of your own

Send them to me

I would love to hear the stories and opinions that arise from your heart as we take a look at things such as fear, suffering, and vulnerability. Will you journey with me as we attempt to piece together what it might look like to live in a better world? Stay tuned for my next post which will explore the concept of fear and why courage is needed.
Have thoughts or comments you would like to share? Please comment below or feel free to send your stories to


  1. I also have been backing off of exposing myself to the news lately. It's so conflicting... on one hand the way its presented to us is so distorted because statistically this is the safest and most peaceful time on earth in recorded history, but its being shown to us as if things are getting worse and worse... on the other hand, if this is the best we can do, that is incredibly depressing.
    The struggles and questions you are talking about are close to my heart too... I'm loving your writing and am excited to read the rest of this series :)

  2. I can't wait to hear more! You have echoed some of the very thoughts I have wrestled with recently and like you, I stopped watching the news and reading newspapers, id id it eons ago, they were toxic to me. I live in active connection to a global community of unbelievable diversity and can see how the "Fierce 3" are critical words to build on.
