This is life; how much more amazing could it be?
It is becoming clearer and clearer to me that life is something I take for granted.
I was lying in bed last night thinking (something I do quite often) and I thought to myself, if this life is the only chance we have, why spend it being sad or angry or unexcited about the possibilities that life presents us?
Of course, I don't believe that this life is all we have, but I think a part of me believes that it is. It is the only chance we have to live as we are living right now. At Kingdom Come everything will change, for the better no doubt, but it will still be different.
After this life, we may never get to live as we do now, we may never be able to talk to the people we talk to now or travel to the places we can now or do any of the things that we can now do.
Heaven will be a thousand times more amazing than this life, but does that mean that we shouldn't live this life the its fullest?
No, because anything less than fullness is just taking life for granted.
That being said, I am not saying that it isn't okay to be sad, angry, or to not enjoy life. It's realtive, and we all have our days. But there comes a point in your life when you have to stop and think, am I just wasting time?
I don't want to waste time anymore. God has put me in this life, at this time, in this place for a specific purpose and I am going to spend my life fulfilling that purpose.
Life, especailly the lives of Westerners, has become about taking things for granted and running through life, always looking or whats next but never really taking the time to look at whats right in front of us.
Appreciate the life you lead.
Life is a gift. I have a friend who can tell you that.
18.16.89 - 04.27.06