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you can't please everyone

I had a run in with good intentions and bad results.

I found out a friend was being lied to and I tried to help them realize this, but the good intention of trying to protect a friend wound up pushing them away and left me with a handful of blame that wasn't mine. My attempt to remedy the situation did no good, and I was left wondering if 'doing the right thing' was always a good thing to do.

You can try to always do the right thing; sometimes you may even succeed, but that doesn't mean that you're safe. We live in a world of narcissism and cynicism and in that kind of a world you can't please everyone. The selfish people might be jealous of your goodness and cynics might doubt your sincerity.

But does all of this discount goodness? Not at all. We must strive to be good even when it doesn't always reap the benefits we expect because goodness, above all else, is what keeps us human.

In the situation with my friend, I wound up realizing that no matter what, I can leave that friendship knowing that I did the right thing and that my intentions were pure. The rest was and is up to them.

We can't lose sight of the importance of goodness because if we get to the point when lying, cheating and swindling seem to be more fruitful than goodness we'll be at the point of no return. Good intentions, and even good actions, don't always bear positive results, but they keep humanity from totally disregarding one another. So if you're struggling to see the value of goodness, I hope this post encourages you to keep fighting the good fight and to keep praying that goodness will prevail.

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