everything is perfect
You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.--J Krishnamurti
"Never forget me, because if I thought you would, I'd never leave." ~ Alan Alexander (American artist)
In the black we walk
down the dug-out path,
dug-out by the shoes of lost feet,
feet that forged a way
to save wandering souls.
It is not the same as before,
a time uncountable;
a weight immeasurable;
and yet I could not wish
to be anywhere else .
We walk in the mud,
dirt littering our soles,
staining our knees when we fall.
Like spilt wine on white carpet
and no sparkling liquids
to purge the reminder.
It’s spring,
the sun is shining and
the flowers are bursting forth in
all their splendid prisms of colour -
beauty brought forth by light.
But somehow,
in all its frightening ways,
the night will still take us.
Its coffee-darkness surrounding
us like warm breath,
fragrant and bitterly sweet.
We cannot escape,
this is our condition:
redemption caught up in
fault lines running deep
to our cores.
It shakes us,
filling our veins like ink.
In this thick coffee-coloured darkness
we take another drink.
photo via (we heart it)
and if my heart should somehow stop...
then in the forest i made my home-- James Vincent McMorrow
lay down on hard and ancient stone
then if my heart should somehow stop
i’ll hang on, to the hope
that you’re not too late
"Anything you do not give freely and abundantly become lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes."
- Annie Dillard
your soul
How has this "social networking" actually done anything for my friendships? If anything it's made me lazy and unintentional with my friends. I don't have to remember their birthdays because Facebook will remind me. I don't have to call and see how they are because their status updates inform me. I don't have to ask them what's new in their lives because I can just look at their pictures.
There is beauty all around us that is waiting to be found, we merely have to go out and discover it.
Jacob's Story
first world problems
The ridiculousness of this thechive.com post made me feel a little guilty... I have definitely done the charger one... but alas, life goes on and we recognize that though "it's all relative," some things are just plain ridiculous! Let's admit our ridiculousness (at least the bad parts) and then commit to changing it.
out of your poverty
I would hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo, and if an echo sounded, no matter how faintly, I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of hunger for life that gnaws in us all.-- Richard Wright
the resurrected life
and I’m trying hard not to drown.
all that has disappeared -
beneath the soil
it’s transfusing all of this;
is not mine to save,
The lure of the night, it had beckoned me.
My hands are stained with innocent life,
and yet my Victory has overcome my vice.
all that has disappeared -
beneath the soil
it’s transfusing all of this;
is not mine to save,
and Yours to take away.
A song: Autumn Sorrow
on hope
But the things of this world, our experiences here, they are not what we can hold onto. These moments are fleeting. It has become apparent to me that Jesus Christ must be the source of all our hope. Without His love, His forgiveness, and His promises, even the joyful moments of our lives will become void of meaning.

What inspires you?
I could tell you without thinking.
Beautiful words. Beautiful sounds. Beautiful scenes.
All of God’s creativity displayed in all of its perfection.
Reading the Psalms while sitting in the park listening to the birds sing.
Nature. Music. Poetry.
i love the red*
Living in Bolivia for four months without a direct internet connection has made me forget how much I love the internet. But today, as I was sitting in a quite cafe downtown after finishing off a cappuccino with a good friend I pulled out my laptop and was reminded of my love for the internet.
Listen here. I hate sitting in internet cafes. They are cold, full of people, and I always feel as though someone is glancing at my screen ever 50 seconds, snooping in my internet business. Internet cafes destroy what I love about the internet.
For the past few years the internet has become my own personal library. I could sit at my desk for hours looking up poetry, photographs, and perusing through blogs. The things I found there were inspiring, interesting, and always made for a good laugh. It’s quite sad that so much of my inspiration is drawn from the things I find on the internet (even this post is inspired as such). I tend to miss the days when I could sit down at my desk after walking around the park with my headphones and have something interesting to write. Now it seems as though my writing is deeply connected with the internet - this my friends is a sad story in the making.
I thought that coming to Bolivia would inspire my writing, but it seems to have stifled it somewhat ( must be the long work days and the lack of internet access.) It’s dissapointing that my writing would be tied to something as trivial as the internet. But alas, we all have our weaknesses.
*red = web in Spanish... aka the internet