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falling off bicycles while reading good books...

today i fell off a bicycle while reading a good book.
well... almost.
the books were actually in my bag, which was actually in my brothers possesions. and i didn't actually fall off my bicycle. in fact, it was more of a 'get off becasue i'm home now'. but i was riding the bicycle.
the rest was just a dream...
that phrase, "falling off bicycles while reading good books" was produced during a conversation with my best friend.

she foud it funny that i went on a bike ride because apparently i am the type of person she can just picture getting distracted and running into random objects, then getting up looking around to make sure no one noticed and quickly riding away. funny thing is, i'd probably do it too.
but i'm not the only one. in fact i think everyone has fallen off a bicycle while reading a good book at some point in time, if not, then you will.
see, you get on the bike. you start riding. you have a purpose for riding. you want to get in shape, you have a destination, you want to have fun, whatever. you ride.
then along the way something distracts you. nothing big really. maybe a sunset, or a interesting person, or a random road sign (i do that all the time, for some reason i feel the need to read road signs), anything really. one moment you are on your bike riding down the road and the next you are face-planted in the asphalt, pebbles sticking to your face and your helmet twisted so weird the strap is now digging into your neck.
we try to go somewhere in life and things along the way distract us, they make us stumble or even temporarily forget what we were doing in the first place. those things can be good things or they can be bad. maybe their taking you off a bad path or maybe they're preventing you from moving forward on a good one. distractions aren't always a bad thing but there seems to be a negative connotation that goes along with the word 'distraction'.
i think we should be careful on the path but i also think that every once in a while we should let some distractions in, often they are what bring us back to reality. if you work too hard towards one thing, other things that used to be important can start to fade away.
read good books while riding bicycles and hope that if you do happen to fall off, you'll land in the grass.

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