Crazy! I know!
Now before you get all worried that I think I'm living in another dimensions and have somehow fallen in love with an extra terrestrial creature, let me explain myself.
This year I asked that God might fill my heart with His love. I didn’t over analyze, I didn’t make a vow, I didn’t even try that hard. I just asked that God would fill me, and then trusted that He would fulfil what He promised when He said that I may, “Ask anything in Jesus name and it will be given to you.” And He has.
A good friend of mine said that trusting is the greatest form of worship, and I think that I am beginning to believe her. Trust is that foundation of every good relationship. Without it, relationships will crumble under the stresses of jealousy, dishonesty, and deception. But trust, trust makes all things easy. The initial problem is that trust in itself is no easy task, especially when you’ve been burned before. But one thing we have to realize is that God is everything He says He is. He isn’t this cocky leader on a power trip demanding that you hand your life over to Him. He knows what He’s doing, we’re the ones who make the mistakes and screw things up, not Him.
And so, to continue with my theme of late by talking about humility, I will once again connect the issue of trust to the issue of pride. Personally, I have found that trust involves a lot of humility. It forces us to come to terms with the fact that, no, we don’t deserve anything that God is offering to us. But that yes, He gives it anyways. Why is this? Because He can, and because He is better than us. If we try to evaluate God by our human standards, we will find it hard to believe that anything He has said could possibly be true. It isn’t logical, it isn’t rational, and it sure isn’t fair. But God is gracious, and part of trusting God and His grace is realizing that God is not your “nothing you do is ever good enough” father, and He’s not your backstabbing ex-best friend or your cheating ex-partner. He is God, and He is 100%, completely, unequivocally, totally benevolent. So let go of that pride, the pride that is keeping your from embracing the facts. Get over your notions of unworthiness. Who are you to say that God could never love you? Who are you to say that you are not worth every ounce of forgiveness that He pours out on your life? Who are you to say that God’s love is not big enough to cover your multitude of sins?
Who are you?
Get over yourself. Seriously. Because He loves you, He loves you more than you can ask or imagine or hope to ever be loved again. So let go of that pride that is masking itself as self-loathing and accept that you really aren’t good enough, but that God loves you anyways. Because let me guarantee that once you do, you will experience the love of a lifetime. A love that makes you want to change, to turn from the life you were living and run in the other direction. A love that will heal you, slowly over time, and enable you to be full and complete – just the way you were meant to be.
You are nothing without God; just another grain on a beach full of sand. But with God you are a diamond; dug out of the ruff, cut to the perfect shape and size, buffed and set and made to sparkle with the sparkle of a millions stars. So let go of your pride and become who you are. Be the diamond that reflects Gods light and makes the world stand back in awe of the work of its Creator. Embrace humility, throw away your inhibitions and trust God, because He loves you, and that is enough.
photo via (we heart it)
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