There's something about doing nothing that makes me feel good at the end of the day.
Tonight I came home from my Creative Writing class and I didn't really know what I was going to do, as I had decided to give up watching TV for Lent. Now granted, I don't only watch TV in my spare time. I also read books and play guitar, write songs and do homework and hang out with friends. But tonight I didn't have any homework, and I didn't feel like doing all of those other things that I normally do. So, I sat at my computer and perused the internet... for many hours.
ugghhh.... I don't think I've done that before - not without some sort of school research in mind. But it was... wonderful!
So I spent a few hours walking around MySpace, listening to some new bands, creating a new blog for my trip to Bolivia (soon to be revealed, but for now it'll be kept hidden), and stumbling upon other people's blogs. Doing not much at all ended up being really productive (at least in the eyes of this girl). I even spent my iTunes gift card that I got for Christmas on a brand new album - Wool and Howl, check it out:
Tonight I came home from my Creative Writing class and I didn't really know what I was going to do, as I had decided to give up watching TV for Lent. Now granted, I don't only watch TV in my spare time. I also read books and play guitar, write songs and do homework and hang out with friends. But tonight I didn't have any homework, and I didn't feel like doing all of those other things that I normally do. So, I sat at my computer and perused the internet... for many hours.
ugghhh.... I don't think I've done that before - not without some sort of school research in mind. But it was... wonderful!
So I spent a few hours walking around MySpace, listening to some new bands, creating a new blog for my trip to Bolivia (soon to be revealed, but for now it'll be kept hidden), and stumbling upon other people's blogs. Doing not much at all ended up being really productive (at least in the eyes of this girl). I even spent my iTunes gift card that I got for Christmas on a brand new album - Wool and Howl, check it out:

One thing I did learn is that there are an awful lot of gardening blogs out there. Don't get me wrong, I like gardening, it's pretty invigorating to get down and dirty with the earth for a while (literally), but I think that if I see one more gardening blog tonight, I just might give up hope on blogging for blogs sake (maybe?) Yeah right, who am I kidding?
Anyways, welcome to another post labeled 'random ramblings.' hope it was as fun for you as it was for me... which I sincerely doubt!, who even reads this thing anymore anyways?
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