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"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
~1 Peter 2: 9

Sometimes i can't get my head around the fact that we are chosen. Does that mean that God choses for some people to follow him and other not to? Because if God's gift of grace is offered to everyone and it is up to us to use our free-will and decided to accept that gift, than how can we be chosen? Sometimes God confuses me. I have been a Christian for about 13 years and still, after all that time and studying God's word and getting to know him personally, there are still things that just throw my understanding of God out of whack.
But i think that that's what makes God and his mercy so beautiful; we have never experienced a love like God's ever before. We don't understand that God can instantly forgive us and forget our sins when we ask because we have never experienced that kind of grace on Earth. We can't understand certain things about God because they don't measure up to what we know from our experiences here on Earth. And i think that is cool, because that means that we will never stop learning. We will continue to discover new things and learn new things about the extent of God's love and the depth of his character. Our relationship with God will never become boring or old news, because God isn't boring and everything we learn about him is new. Life is an endless journey of discovery. It's an adventure that won't end on the day that we die, but will continue to bring us hope, joy, and peace in eternity. That is beautiful.
The one thing i do understand about God is that his love pure and it is endless and that because we are a chosen people we get to experience that love in it's fullest form. God will never stop loving us, even if we stop loving him. That is the most beautiful thing of all.

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