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chosen... and beautiful

i have a bunch of stuff to write because i havn't posted in quite a while. so tonight is multiple post night. read carefully people cuz this is a rare occurence.

A coupls of weeks ago i wrote a post about this verse:
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."~1 Peter 2: 9
and then i went on to talk about how sometimes there are things about God that i don't get, but in the end that is what makes the character of God so interesting and beautiful...
"We can't understand certain things about God because they don't measure up to what we know from our experiences here on Earth. And i think that's cool, because that means that we will never stop learning. We will continue to discover new things and learn new things about the extent of God's love and the depth of his character. Our relationship with God will never become boring..."
About a week after i wrote that post i read this in my daily devotional:
"'Many are called but few are chosen,' that is, few prove themselves the chosen ones. The chosen ones are those who have come in to a relationship with God through Jesus Christ whereby their disposition has been altered and their ears unstopped, and they hear the still small voice questioning all the time, 'Who will go for us?'"
Everyone is called unto God, but not everyone is chosen. In order to be chosen we haveto listen, we are all called to be chosen, but we aren't all actually chosen because we close our ears to that call. God doesn't pick and choose. If God had his way everyone would be his child, everyone would love and praise him. But we don't. We are called bu WE choose not to answer that call. WE choose not to take our faith seriously. WE choose not to listen to the person that knows our every step. It is not God being selective, it is us being unselective and letting anything and everything into our lives. It is us listening to the call of the world more than we listen to the call of God.
When God reveals himself to me, it is amazing. I used to doubt God alot. I used to doubt his love, his forgivness. Sometimes i would doubt his very existence. but not anymore. God has given me more answeres and shown me more miracles (yes they still happen) in the past year than he had in the 17 before that. Why? because i finally started to take him seriously. God calls us, he seeks us out. If you're someone who thinks Song of Songs is about God's love for the church than you might say that God chases after us like a lover chases his beloved. But God doesn't push. We have to CHOOSE. That's how you become a chosen one. You choose to follow God, and not only follow him, but to give you whole life to him. Everypart of it, everyday, a process that is never finished and that will continue into eternity. Surrender is continual, giving up this wolrd and choosing to follow God is a decision you don't only make once; it's a decision you make everday for the rest of your life.

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