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I can’t tell you what I’d say
if I was to never see your face
slip into my life or out of my mind

Words wouldn't sound right,
pieced together with restlessness.
When I’m trying to sleep at night
your melody comes my way.

Singing me to sleep,
among the crickets and the weeping willows.
Dreams of how we walked shoulder to shoulder;
close but not quite yet.

Perhaps that’s all we’ll have - 
The memories we’ve made.
Pictures worth a thousand words
that can never be sounded out;
right and true and beautiful.
Ringing ears and beating hearts;
I could feel a beat within your chest,
I can  still see it when I look at you.

It sings me to sleep
among the stars and the wind whistles.
Dreams of walking fast but still too slow,
our steps matching rhythms.

And when I shut my eyes
there you be;
clear but still elusive to me.

photo via (we heart it)


Even in literature or art no man who cares about originality will ever be original. It’s the man who is only thinking about doing a good job or telling the truth who becomes really original, but doesn’t notice it. Even in social life, you never make a good impression on other people until you stop thinking what sort of impression you make. That principle runs all through life from the top to the bottom. Give up yourself and you will find your real self. Lose your life and you will save it. Submit to death, submit with every fibre of your being and you will find eternal life. - C.S. Lewis


We need to find God, and He cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls. 

-- Mother Teresa


still hope

Hold fast to your hope, my dear.
I know these worlds
got you all hung up;
wound tight;
bent out of shape.
But I'll be the mould
to hold you
for now and for as long as you need.

You won't fall.
I'll be the rope to tie you
back together; sewn.
No noose; you have your voice,
though there's no shouting here.

This is the quiet
the most quiet place on earth
here between hope and waiting
all stands still.


"Each moment that I wait feels like a year, an eternity. Each moment is as slow and transparent as glass. Through each moment I can see infinite moments lined up, waiting.”  - The Time Traveller's Wife


travelling dreams...

In just over 2 weeks I'll be heading back to South America for another 5-8 months of volunteering. It's going be great. I'm excited to get back down there, see the kids, and work on the streets.

But I'm also excited because for the past 10 months I have been saving money so that I can afford this trip, and also do a bit more travelling when I am down there. I still want to visit that salt flats and the Santa Cruz jungle, and I am even hoping that I can visit Peru and Machu Picchu for a few days for my birthday this year! Then, if I come back down to Bolivia in the new year, I'll stop by Panama and Costa Rica to visit my bestie afterwards, on my way back up to Canada in July. 

 I also need to explore more of Canada. I've been to the East coast many times and absolutely love it. I love the pace of life, the smell of the earth and the ocean, the small towns. City life just isn't for me. But my next Canada tip will definitely be out West, to the mountains. I absolutely love mountains. They just take my breath away, much like large bodies of water do. So I'll find a car and maybe some friends and we'll road trip out to BC. Cathedral Grove and Englishman River Falls Park are definitely on my list of things to see. So are Spray Valley PP and Lake Superior. I want to live with the mountains and the trees soooo definitely have to see those. 

Then, finally, someday I will visit Southeast Asia like I have always dreamed. Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh and India - someday I will see your shores. 

Here's to hoping I get a half-decent job when I get back so I can pay for all of that!

life in the slow lane

I heard a song recently that reminded me of times past. 
The songs we sing bring back memories when we hear them again. They bring back every feeling we once felt; nostalgia sets in, but it’s this happy blissful type so we don’t mind. I love songs like that – song that tell the story of the moments of my life.

I once heard a song that said that fastest way isn’t always the easiest. Funny, that didn’t make much sense to me until now. I think we evaluate how hard or easy something is based on how we feel at any given moment, but our evaluation can completely change when we’re out of it. When we’re in the clear we get to see the whole picture and are reminded of how we have been blessed, that’s when we see things with clear vision.
Sometimes we make choices and they hurt, but that doesn’t mean they’re the wrong choice, just that they’re difficult.

Patience hurts sometimes. It can be utterly grueling. Sometimes it almost feels like you’ll stop breathing if you have to wait another second. But then you wait, and eventually the waiting gets easier and you aren’t so restless.

The fastest way isn’t always the easiest. It may seem that way, but then we reach the end and we see that if we had done things differently, if we had gone the fast way, everything would have culminated in disaster. So, we decide to take the longer way, because then we aren’t setting ourselves up for failure. We’re patient and kind, we forgive and we have compassion. We work things out. We give each other the chance to change; we see what will become of us instead of forcing one another to become things that we are not. We don’t jump in head first. We trust.

The longer way is difficult because we are not sure if, in the end, it is worth it. But I think it is. When we are patient and calm we can take things as they come. We wait for the best. We don’t settle.

Taking the fast way we are not prepared when, unexpectedly, things change and we all end up with broken hearts and jaded souls. That is no way to live.

We’re not being too careful. We’re not full of fear. We’re just being cautious, and as such we are being wise. We are not the type of people to throw ourselves out there and just let any old person or any fleeting feeling take hold of us and drive us into the dark. No, we’re better than that. So we don’t take the very first thing that comes along, and we don’t despair if, in the end, we’re still alone. Because we’re doing it right, and that’s what matters. We’re saving our hearts so that we might save our lives.

“Guard your heart above all else, for it is the wellspring of life.” –Proverbs 4:23

photo via (we heart it)


Psalm 139

Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
    you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
    and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
    behold, O Lordyou know it altogether.
You hem me in, behind and before,
    and lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
    it is high; I cannot attain it.
Where shall I go from your Spirit?
    Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
     If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning
    and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 even there your hand shall lead me,
    and your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
    and the light about me be night,”
12 even the darkness is not dark to you;
    the night is bright as the day,
    for darkness is as light with you.
13 For you formed my inward parts;
    you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
    intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
    the days that were formed for me,
    when as yet there was none of them.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
18 If I would count them, they are more than the sand.
    I awake, and I am still with you.
19 Oh that you would slay the wicked, O God!
    men of blood, depart from me!
20 They speak against you with malicious intent;
    your enemies take your name in vain.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord?
    And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?
22 I hate them with complete hatred;
    I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart!
     Try me and know my thoughts!
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting!


Here wealth rides on his high horse.
His saddle bags are full;
the water in his canteen pure.
His face is beautiful
and his hair is clean;
there is no dirtiness we can see.

With him he brings stories,
knowledge, medicine, success.
The poor crowd his horse's legs, begging.
But all he can do is throw them coins
and give them books
filled with tales and words
they cannot read.

He has brought many things;
and he has not failed
to bring his ignorance.
He does not realize that
bending down
from his high horse
will eventually break his back.

He must be willing to break his own heart.
To teach them, he must get down
and become one
with them. He, the teacher,
must learn to be taught.
He must get down from his high horse,
and rise above the notion
that there is not much more to life
than wealth.


I used to be pretty cynical. 
Sometimes I still am.

I was the girl who always focused on the negatives; who focused on what had gone wrong rather than what had gone right. And when you live like that, focusing on all the problems, nothing gets better because you begin to define yourself and your life by your problems. And then you begin to become a negative person. And you might not realize it right away, but eventually  you become more resistant to change because solving your problems would mean that you would lose part of who you are.

A few months ago I decided I didn't want to be like that any more.
I didn't want to focus on all of the bad things, it wasn't helping. So I gave up all of that bad stuff. Sure, I was lost for a while. I had to force myself to think differently even when I didn't want to. But I think God honoured that, because it got easier as the days went by.  And as I started to focus on all the good things in my life, life became more joyful. Life was still full of sorrow and pain at times, life always is, but redirecting my thoughts towards my blessings rather than my curses helped me to feel like a blessed person. Though I wasn't always happy I was able to find joy and peace and comfort.

Then this past month I fell back into old patterns and I was angry at myself for this. But I wouldn't take the step to change. Instead I just picked up a shovel and continued to dig myself into a hole of loneliness and discouragement. 

Eventually I got worn out; I was sick of that lonely gutter-living feeling. And it was then that some words from James Chapter 1 came to mind.  James says that God is faithful and gives up wisdom and joy when we ask for it. So, I humbly did just that. Instead of doing what I had been doing for the past month and demanding that God change my circumstance, I just asked that God would change me instead. And I woke up this morning feeling still feeling tired and exhausted. Am I falling into depression? I thought. I didn't understand why I was feeling the way I was, or where any of this was coming from. It was like a fog had moved in silently overnight and when I woke up I was stuck in it. The only thing I could do was wait it out. 

So I got up and sought out a cup of coffee, the ever-true morning pick-me-up. Then I went outside and did some yard work - the sun was shining, and as I wearily shoved small branches and leaves into a paper yard waste bag one of my favourite worship songs came on my iPod. And then there was this moment of stillness where I could feel the sun shinning down on me in all its brilliance, and I was just filled with this sense of joy. Then some wise words of a friend were brought to mind. "What if we woke up tomorrow with only the things we were grateful for today?" 

In that moment it hit me. I had spent this past month being ungrateful. I had taken my eyes of God and put them on myself. I had taken my identity out of God's Word and put it into the care of others. I had been so foolish! I had demanded all these things of God and been selfish. So I repented and then I went through my life systematically and silently thanked God for all of the blessings I have: for my family and the wonderful time we could spend together that week; for my friends - they are the best ones I've had thus far in life; for my church and their endless love and support; for my Bolivia plans that are coming together; for real conversations over tea and camp-fires; for the sunshine and trees and birds; for maple coffee and apricot jam; but mostly for love - my life is so full of it. God has blessed me very richly. I am so thankful for my life and all the wonderful people and things in it and for my relationship with Jesus Christ. I would be so lost without Him. 

Sometimes I get overwhelmed when I think about all of the ways in which I have been blessed this past year. If you had asked me even one year ago if I thought I would be where I am right now, I would have told you straight up, no. And so it's good for me to remember how things used to be, because it makes me grateful for who and where I am now. I don't want to dwell on the bad things any more, I want to think about things that are good and pure and beautiful. Sometimes you can't escape the bad things in life; they are right there in your face and you have to deal with them. But once you do, you have to learn to let them go. 

So let them go. Be free. Don't be enslaved to negativity, or cynicism, or the past. Just think of all the good things you have and thank God for them. If you're struggling to find them then ask God to give you the wisdom to see them. 

Then when you find them, hold them in your hand and in your heart and thank God for them. And just let all of the other stuff go.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." -- Philippians 4:8


here I am, on the edge with you

And if all we are
is all that’s here in front of us,
then I will stand strong
and tall with you.

With wounded hearts
and rough dry hands
we travel
up the river,
hand in hand
to the mountain we once knew.

To climb
so high.
We fall and

My love you looked to the left
and to the right.
But I am not there, not by your side.
I’m right here,
in front of you, peering o’er the cliff.
We’re on the edge,
We’re on the edge of it.

Oh, how we climbed so high
to fall and

We’re here, my dear.
My dear, we’re here.
We’re here
standing on this mountain top
so tall, we’re
watching over all those ones below;
ones destined, our legacy, to follow.

We climbed
so high
to fall
and fight
for this thing,
this tied up feeling,
they call love.

photo via (we heart it)


something out there

Sometimes I don’t feel like I know what the word love even means. Is it even a word? Or is it a whisper? Something we hear quietly calling our name in the deep and the dark? Something we find when we least expect it; when we let the noise around us dissipate into blankness and hear the stillness of our hearts speak?

What does it mean to love one another?

Is love an action; a feeling? Is it something I do; what I say? Is it a thought process? Is it an inevitability of falling or is it a choice?

In the end, all I know is that I know nothing. And I think that maybe that’s what love is all about. It’s about realizing that, though you yourself are not less, there are things out there that are much bigger and greater and grander than you; things you don’t always need to put a finger on or understand.

I think love starts with humility. It is that little pinch of pain you feel when you bite your tongue. It’s the friction that comes from swallowing your pride. It’s the resistance in your heart when you choose to forgive. It’s a lot of different things. We don’t have to define it; we don’t have to put it in a box.

Because if God is love and God is an incomprehensible being, more than we could ever even think to imagine, then isn’t love more than we could hope it to be as well? Isn't it bigger than all of our ideas about what it should be?

For me, there is comfort in that; comfort that there is something covering me that is bigger than myself. God and love are things that are bigger than my thoughts could ever attempt to wrap themselves around.
Sometimes I look up at the night sky and take in the moon and stars and the blue-blackness and I think about how big it all is, but it doesn’t make me feel small. No, I look up at all that vastness and I just think about how big it is, and how the God that created all that beauty and all that wonder made me too.

And then I think about how even when He has all of that, even when He has the sun and the moon and the stars and the sky, He still chooses me. I mean how crazy is that? A God who has everything, who created everything, who created all these beautiful mysterious things also chose to create me and to love me.
But still, I don’t feel small. I don’t feel big either. I just feel ... loved.

And I can’t explain it and I can’t trace it out. I just know it. I know that I am loved beyond measure. And I know all of this because the stars and the moon and the blue-black sky tell me so. And so no matter where I go, no matter what land I find myself in, all I have to do is look up at the moon and the stars, or the rivers and the mountains, or the sun and the flowers, or the valleys and the snow, and all of it reminds me that I am loved.

Moment by moment, God reveals more of what love is. Each day I am stretched and broken and renewed. Each day I am tested. And each day I come closer to understanding how I can help others to see the stars and the moon and the blue-black sky the way I do. How they can look at these big things and still see more. I mess up a lot. Sometimes there are clouds and they block the light of the stars. But I know that God can work with that. Just because there are clouds one night doesn’t mean the stars aren’t there. And it definitely doesn’t mean that God stops the dusk from arriving the next night. He gives the stars another chance. And heck, clouds don't interfere with the sun, they just make for a beautiful sunset.

So I hope that I can keep growing to be the kind of person who lives in such a way that doesn’t make others feel small, or even big, but just that I make them feel loved. That people would be able to look at me, a part of God’s creation, and see Him and feel His love.

That’s all I really want.

photo via (we heart it)


"I don't think I'd pride myself in being addicted to anything. Not sugar, or coffee, or chocolate, or love. But maybe, I'd humble myself and say that I am absolutely addicted to Jesus. I can't survive without Him. I need Him the minute I wake up until the minute I go to bed and He is the only reason that I sleep well at night. He sustains me; lifts me up when I am low and brings me down when I am strung too high. He's everything I think about and everything I do is based on my need for Him. I don't want to pride myself in being an addict, but I'll admit to the fact that I desperately need Jesus. I'd die without Him. He's not a drug, and I am not His slave. But heaven knows I could never choose not to follow Him. Not after meeting Him, not after being found by Him. Not after learning to actually live. I do confess that I need Jesus, and of that I am not ashamed."


forest fires

Someday we’ll see the fire burning,
signals like smoke, rising in the air,
telling all about the rescue
we’ve found here.

And we’ll even see it
and marvel
at how such a small fire
could spread and light
an entire forest,
and bring it to life;
shadows dancing behind branches.

We won’t believe that
we lit that fire ourselves;
that we kindled it
and watched it grow,
and that as it grew
it took more and more weight,
but never broke.

How could a few simple people
create such brilliance?
How could one God
speak an entire earth into being,
where two hearts
would be fused together
like one,
underneath the leaves
of trees.

We’ll stand there,
arms around ourselves;
around each other,
and smile;

we made it.

photo via (we heart it)


"Sometimes we judge others most harshly for the sins we see in ourselves; we think that by revealing that sin in others, we won’t feel so badly about the wretchedness we see in our own hearts. But maybe in learning to love others, we could also learn to love ourselves. Maybe there is this wonderful cycle of love that we are meant to repeat, over and over, until all the world is loved and all the world is forgiven. 


hiccups of the heart

There is this completion found 
in a four-lettered word;
A knowingness,
A realization.
Tempting to be held,
wishing to be heard,
yet forsaken.
It is here:
above us now,
floating in this space we
knew was there;
space we knew to fill,
but refused.

So we are here,
arms at sides,
not reaching out.
For there is something between us
and we are not willing
to climb the rails,
to board the train to completion.

We were syndicates once,
way back when;
fighting for the same cause. But 
now we’re soldiers
made of rock,
and steel,
and old ideas;
statues within ourselves.

There is a way to be known;
there is a road to completion.
Four letters get in the way:
love, unrequited;
and fear of repetition.

photo via (we heart it)


blind hope

The words come out:
said like staring into dark while
blind; pretending to see.
You’re saying that she’s wrong,
but you don’t know how deep
she’s dug
to get to the bottom
of hope.

This is where she closes in,
shuts her eyes to the noise
between the light of
dawn and day.
Says she’s blind, but she sees.

She’s been here before,
eyes adjusted
looking into a darkness known;
Your secrets are safe with her so
don’t race your heart, love,
this is how she sings
her songs.

For here freedom rings out like a melody,
bells - telling us of how she
found hope amidst cloudiness;
clarity in despair.
Lights in dark places; fading
shapes we try to hold on to.
And you`re wandering, looking
for her
in every possible disguise.

But we all live,
and hope,
and dream for this.
We love,
and fight,
and we die for this.
So she wedges in a little more,
lips parted,
wondering how to voice these calms.
And you’re coming to, so slowly;
entering  into a blind awakening.

There is vision in blindness.

photo via (we heart it)


Instead of comparing our lot with that of those who are more fortunate than we are, we should compare it with the lot of the great majority of our fellow men. It then appears that we are among the privileged.
-- Helen Keller

... I am so blessed


like trees

Tell me where we gonna go
to lose ourselves tonight.
Where’s the map you drew
telling us where not to turn.
We’re on this straight and narrow,
but sometimes we don’t know the way;
And we feel okay wandering
Cuz we’re lost but not long gone.

Trees grow up around us;
Bark wrinkled in time.
We run our fingers over lines
Tracing history.

If I took your hand and we flew,
would you carry a parachute along,
to fling bright red into the sky
when you got scared of falling.
Or would you just sing loud and bring your smile,
and land with me in the canopy.

Tell me where we gonna go tonight;
We gonna fly and sing?
You lost the map, that’s what you told me
 we’re wandering like seeds.

photo via (we heart it) 



How can anyone look at creation and deny an artist? 
How can we stand in the midst of nature and say,
"there is no God?"

The heavens declare the glory of God; 
   the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 
Day after day they pour forth speech; 
   night after night they reveal knowledge. 
They have no speech, they use no words; 
   no sound is heard from them. 
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, 
   their words to the ends of the world.
-- Psalm 19:1-4

Photo via (Flickr)


first snow

We walked:
fresh socks on fallen snow
the sound of crunching beneath,
ducking here and there
under tree boughs
as we sang our winter song.

We climbed;
up high on the hillside.
Rides, set down on the snow,
sleds; red pavement on white.
Pushing as we tried
to gain our momentum.

Laughter echoes
we can see its breath,
frozen in time;
confetti air.

photo via (we heart it)



When we plan the future are we trying to play God or are we trying to play it smart? Where is the line between a lack of trust in God’s plan for us and just being plain irresponsible? I have fears about the future, fears that cause my un-planning mind want to make like a crazy person and plan her whole life to a tee. Is it wrong that I don’t have answers when people ask me what I'm going to do? Is it wrong to be worried that I don’t have answers? My future is an open book, waiting to be written. I have some ideas in my mind; a general theme and a skinny storyline. But the details... they’re not there. But God knows. And I guess eventually I will too.


things to look forward to

I'm working on some articles about the porn industry and UFC (completely opposite topics, I know). Both articles will feature notes from both Christian and secular perspectives. Stay tuned!!!


the heart of religion

I recently viewed this video and it inspired me to write a blog post about the topic. I’ve been thinking about religion a lot lately, which is not something I normally do (think about religion, that is, not just think). But first, I want to say that I don't agree with everything in this video. I don't think Jesus was against religion, religion is a framework within which we can better understand God and through which we can serve Him. Granted, we have distorted and perverted it many times. But Jesus was against false religion, empty traditions and meaningless rituals, not religion in general. Or at least that is my understanding. Feel free to correct me if you think I am wrong, I am open to discussion. Anyway, this post elaborates on what I really think the heart of the matter is when it comes to religion, check it out.

At the first young adults Bible study at my church I called out a fellow believer who said that lying was wrong. “Is lying really wrong?” I asked. “Does the Bible say that?” He answered by telling me that it was one of the 10 commandments and I quickly refuted that the 10 commandments spoke specifically about giving false witness about another person, but not generally about lying. He then looked at me a bit funny. Like I had suddenly turned green and morphed into an ogre-like personage. “Of course lying is wrong!” he said.

We ended up getting into a discussion about why lying was wrong, and I gave him a few examples of where lying had actually turned out to be beneficial in the Bible. Rahab hid the spies in Joshua 2 and was blessed by God by the preservation of her life, Shiphrah and Puah were midwives in Egypt who lied to protect the Hebrew babies and God blessed them because of this.

My friend agreed with these examples but said that they were extenuating circumstances. He then managed to find a few verses to display that the Bible does explicitly say that lying is wrong.

Now, before you jump to conclusions and categorize me as another one of those liberal new-ageist Christians who try and disprove age-old theology, hear me out.

My point in this argument was not to prove that lying was okay. The Bible is clear about lying and that Jesus desires us to be people of truth (check out Matthew 5:33-37, Psalm 31:18, Proverbs 30:8, Colossians 3:9, etc). But rather, my point was that God cares more about where your heart is and WHY you are lying (if you happen to be in a situation where you might need to lie) than about the lying itself. Maybe I’m way off base here, but I think that God cares more about your heart than He does about you making sure that you follow every single solitary rule. This is why Jesus was so aggressive in His words against the Pharisees and the religious leaders of His day. They were so obsessed with getting every detail and action down pat that they forgot about God altogether.

Again, my whole point here is not to say that lying is okay, or that we should not be attentive about our words and seek to be speakers of truth. But rather that if we only focus on lying, instead of focusing on the heart behind the lie, we will only be washing the outside of the bowl while the inside remains dirty. If we become obsessed with rules and regulations we may end up missing Jesus entirely. And that’s why Jesus hates empty religion. He doesn’t hate the Church, he doesn’t hate the Law. He loves the Church, He came to BUILD His Church. He loves the Law, He came to FULFILL the Law. He hates mindlessness. He hates emptiness. He hates meaningless tradition. He hates our pride and the fact that we think we can earn our salvation by following rules. He loves us and He loves GRACE.

So where does this leave us? Well, first with the realization that if we desire to follow Jesus then we need to get to the heart of things. We need to first allow God to get our hearts to the right place. Jesus was kind to the Samaritan woman who was ‘friendly’ because she had a soft heart. Jesus was harsh towards the religious Pharisees because their hearts were hardened. Your heart is what matters to God. If you can’t follow all the rules even though you love God and are trying so hard to get in line with Him... well, welcome to humanity, my friend. Yes, Jesus says that if we love Him we will obey His commands. But he says IF we LOVE Him. All our commandment adherence means nothing if our hearts aren’t in it.

Once you partner with God to get your heart there I can almost guarantee you that you won’t have to focus on all the rules anymore, because your heart will continually be refined and you will continually want to choose what is right and true and good. That is the beauty of it. Focus on the heart and your actions will follow. Focus on only your actions and... who knows you could end up a modern day Pharisee.

So stop stressing about the rules. If you want to be sanctified tell God that and then show Him by making an effort to get to know Him more (spend time in prayer, reading your Bible and doing His work). Then let Him work in you. Trust me, this will take time. But you’ll get there and one day you might realize that, hey, I don’t’ struggle with lying as much anymore. Or hey, I stopped watching porn. AWESOME! God’s work is supernatural, it’s like magic, it’s crazy the things He can do when we let Him into our hearts and ask Him so change it.

Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden is light. We don’t have to do it all on our own. We don’t have to be legalistic and anal and rigid. We are called to freedom. That is what is so beautiful about the Gospel message. So go, friends, go and un-harden your hearts and be free in Christ Jesus.

I don't want a good man searching for a mate. 
I don't want a good man searching for love.
I don't want a good man searching for a good woman.
I want a good man searching for God.


Why I always have, and always will, love fall.
There's a beauty that can't be denied.
I'm actually a bit glad this winter has not been full 
of ice and snow.


I could give you no advice but this: to go into yourself and to explore the depths where your life wells forth.
                                                           --Rainer Maria Rilke 


carry me

There is sadness in our lives; tragedy. I think I have seen my family cry more tears in the past 3 months than I have ever seen them cry in all the months before. I have often felt like Job. Like Satan is just waiting for me to crack, to curse God and be done with it all. But I refuse, and so does my family. Instead, I, in one of the most difficult times of my life, have found myself being more thankful than I ever remember being before. I am thankful for each day, for each moment with family, for each breath; thankful for warmth and good friends, thankful that I have a God who is the God of all comfort and thankful that He blesses those who mourn.  

I don’t know how my heart got to this point. It wasn’t me. I didn’t do it. And yet here I am, at peace; thankful. It has to be God’s doing, because I know that my normal inclination in difficult times isn’t to sing praises to God or thank Him for all that He has given me. This optimism; this thankfulness; this humility has come from a power that is outside me. And maybe that’s what makes it so wonderful. Maybe the fact that I know it is not my own doing is what makes it so utterly easy. I think that is what Jesus is talking about when He says, “Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” He’s saying, “Stop trying, stop trying to pull the weight on your own. Instead take my yoke, which is easy, and my burden, which is light, and just let Me carry you’. I don’t I ever really understood what Jesus was talking about in that passage until this moment. I almost thought that maybe that passage was interpreted wrong, or maybe I didn’t have enough wisdom to understand it, because being a Christian had never seemed easy to me. But that’s because this whole time I had been trying to do it all on my own. I have a habit of that, of not delegating and taking advantage of the wonderful help that people offer me. Maybe it’s a humility issue, I don’t know, but I just always felt like I was putting someone out, like asking for help so often meant that they would get sick of me and just... not be around anymore.

But God’s not like that, and honestly I don’t think most people are like that either, at least your friends shouldn't be like that. We need to believe that every heart has the capacity for compassion, otherwise we’ll be stuck in pits of despair trying to deal with everything on our own instead of sharing our burdens with one another like Paul instructs us to in Galatians 6.

And we need to believe that Jesus was telling the truth when He said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. We need to believe that He wants to walk with us and to carry us in times of despair. We need to be willing to be real, raw, and vulnerable with one another. We need to believe that old Footprints poem.

Footprints in the Sand
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.

This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord, “You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”

The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”

Mary Stevenson, 1936

photo via (we heart it)