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have you ever had a time when you just laugh out loud, for no reason? and when you do, people turn and look at you sort of weird, like you're crazy.
and maybe you are, i mean you just laughed out loud when nothing remotely funny was going on, except maybe inside your head. But i think that when i do that (laugh out loud randomly, not think of something funny inside my head haha) God laughs too becasue he knows why im laughing.
so you're probably like, "uhh kait? why were you laughing?" and to be honest i don't know. i was just having a good day and a smile didn't seem to do the day justice, so i laughed instead. how many times in my life have i been able to do that? to laugh because a smile just wasn't good enough? not nearly as many times as i would have liked, but then again God hasn't been a huge part of my life for as long as i would have liked either. The more that i grow in my relationship with God the more i find that he delights in me. He loves to see me smile, to hear my laugh. he loves it when i talk with him (meanwhile some people just wish i would shut up), he loves it when i spend time with him, and grow with him, and learn from him. Yea sometimes we have to go through suffering in order to learn things and as Christians we are walking the hard, bumpy, curby 'i don't know what's coming next' path. But i think sometimes, when you choose to conciously put the bad stuff aside and focus on Jesus, you get that laugh-out-loud experience.
I love that. becasue even when some things in life suck, and when you have worked yourself into a mini hole-in-the-ground like i have lately, God knows how to make you smile. He created you and knows the things inside your heart. He knows what makes you more happy than anything in the world. He knows how to make you laugh.out.loud.

1 comment:

  1. Kait!
    I totally know what you mean, and what is so awesome about laughing is that no one has the same laugh, that God took his precious time to make each of our laughs different and special! And what i've learned is that heck yes laughing is random but its also so contagous, and although people of course get annoyed with my laugh, God never will like you said he loves hearing us laugh, its like hearing his creation in an awesome and wonderful new way!
    Thanks love, Pam
