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there are moments in life that change the world. moments you never thought would matter and yet have come to be the only ones that do. It is the small things, the insignificant things, the weak and the poor. It is all of the things that we hold so lowly in regard that can push us so far over the edge. When you begin to think that something doesn't matter to you, you will find out how much it truly does. There is a power in this universe that is higher than your own.

We make our plans. We decide our fate. And then God comes in and rearranges our pre-conceived notions of what life is supposed to look like. Things don't always work out the way you want them to. It's a hard lesson to learn. One year ago I thought that I wanted to go to Western and study literature/journalism. Now I am heading almost on the completely opposite direction to Waterloo to study Psychology. Three months ago I had thought that I would never go on a missions trip, now I will hopefully be going to New Orleans in August and to Africa when I graduate University. That just shows how much life can change.

The worst part of all this, is we sit there planning out our lives and GOd is sitting up in Heaven laughing at us.. not harsh laughter but the kind of chuckle that you get when a five-year old tells you he wants to be Spiderman. It's that smile that creeps on your face because though you are proud that the child has ambitious dreams, you know they'll never become Spiderman. God knows our lives (which sometimes I think is scary, but most of the time am able to find rest in, because I know that things will work out okay). God's will for my life and yours will be worked out. He was able to use the free choices of others to make Jesus life and death possible.

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